Above: Hayabusa2 at Ryugu – September 23, 2018: Image captured immediately before hop of Rover-1B. 2018-9-23 09:46 (JST). (Image credit: JAXA)
The November-December issue of Free Astronomy Magazine is available for your reading and downloading pleasure.
To the digest of NASA/ESA articles, excellent updates for a slew of extra-solar research, and general all-around fantastic aggregation of relevant images to make you wish you'd gotten a tablet with higher resolution, this issue wades Andromeda's-shackled-ankle-deep into recent events at the Sunspot Solar Observatory on/at Sacramento Peak, New Mexico. Depending on your interpretation of events (and, possibly, your choice of late-night radio listening), you may or may not be satisfied with the description and resolution of the circumstances in the article or in the several follow-up news articles concerning the closing-up of the investigation.
Please download, read, and pass along. Also, check out the many back issues at www.astropublishing.com
astropublishing.com/6FAM2018/ | Direct PDF