The Volkswagen New Beetle. You can get a full-sized drum set into these things (although a 24" kick's going to require a padded case), a fact I learned after I bought the car in 2002, as my old Pearl Prestige Session drums had, at the time, been stolen by an antiquities-dealing crack addict who was part of a police sting operation to catch a drug lord on Syracuse's West Side. One of my better band stories and proof that people on drugs are not in their right state of mind. Also handy for transporting computer clusters across state lines.
The old Nanorex cluster and my Al Foster-phase Pearl Prestige Session kit. Click on either for a larger image.
Just so no one else has to spend as much time looking around for this information as I did to figure out a problem with my Blinker/Hazard Relay, I provide the fuse box diagram below (for google and beyond). Click on the image for a larger view.
If you lost this card, print and shove into the glove box. You will eventually find it handy.