Now enjoying the benefits of dispersion-corrected solid-state density functional theory (and a proper MPICH2 implementation for infrared intensity calculations, although this now a problem for reasons to be addressed in an upcoming post) in Crystal09, three issues in recent calculations caused me to think hard enough about keyword formats and job runs that I have opted to post briefly about what to do in case google and bing are your preferred methods of manual searching.
1. How To Run Only A Single-Point Energy Calculation In Crystal06/Crystal09
This had never come up before and, by the time I needed to find an input file to see what do to, the first google search provided Civalleri's Total Energy Calculation page that currently has broken links to .zip files. There is quite a bit about the different geometry optimization approaches in the manual, but a search for "single-point" provides no information about what to do for only single-point energy calculations.
The solution, it should be obvious after, is simply to not include the geometry optimization section in the input file. What would otherwise be the following (with arbitrary geometry optimization-like info between [COORDINATES] and [BASIS SETS]…
One problem solved by simply not having any optimization parameters (again, makes sense and is now google-able).
2. Proper GRIMME Input Format For Long-Range Dispersion Contributions In Crystal09
This is another example where one's first efforts in translating the manual into calculations may lead to considerable confusion until the proper format is finally identified (by which time you've run many pruned-down input tests).
1.05 20. 25.
1.05 20. 25. s6 (scaling factor) d (steepness) Rcut (cutoff radius)
1 0.14 1.001 Hydrogen Conventional Atomic number , C6 , Rvdw
6 1.75 1.452 Carbon Conventional Atomic number , C6 , Rvdw
7 1.23 1.397 Nitrogen Conventional Atomic number , C6 , Rvdw
8 0.70 1.342 Oxygen Conventional Atomic number , C6 , Rvdw
17 5.07 1.639 Chlorine Conventional Atomic number , C6 ,'Rvdw
I'm not even sure where the final ,'Rvdw comes from. Your .out file may terminate with the following error (or something similar)…
rank 7 in job 8 korterquad_51438 caused collective abort of all ranks
exit status of rank 7: killed by signal 9
And the ERROR.peN file with any content will show the following, clearly pointing to a GRIMME-specific error…
The problem is the additional content within the manual pages for the GRIMME keyword that require pruning (or, at least, some identifier to show what is and what is not needed). The proper GRIMME section above is properly provided in the INPUT file as…
1.05 20. 25.
1 0.14 1.001
6 1.75 1.452
7 1.23 1.397
8 0.70 1.342
17 5.07 1.639
Where (see page 88 of the Crystal09 manual)…
GRIMME <- keyword is called
1.05 20. 25. <- scaling factor, steepness, cutoff distance
5 <- number of elements in the list (not the total number of atoms)
1 0.14 1.001 <- atomic number, dispersion coefficient, van der Waals radius
When all is properly run, the bottom of your output file will look something like the following:
CYC 43 ETOT(AU) -5.784662098123E+03 DETOT 1.18E-11 tst 8.17E-15 PX 6.73E-08
TOTAL ENERGY(DFT)(AU)( 43) -5.7846620981229E+03 DE 1.2E-11 tester 8.2E-15
SCALE FACTOR (S6): 1.0500
GRIMME DISPERSION ENERGY (AU) -1.9723347118951E-01
TOTAL ENERGY + DISP (AU) -5.7848593315941E+03
The Crystal09 manual refers you to Table 1 of the Stefan Grimme paper, "Semiempirical GGA-type density functional constructed with a long-range dispersion correction" (Journal of Computational Chemistry, Volume 27, Issue 15, Pages 1787 – 1799), which I've put together into the proper format below. Be sure to (1) delete the elements in parentheses ( -> get rid of the (H) <- ), (2) remove those atoms you do not need, (3) be sure to change the "number of elements" number for your structure, and (4) get and reference the Grimme paper so you have the proper C6 parameters and van der Waals radii accounted for (you'll be the right nitwit if I mis-copied something and you ran with it (although I trust my input), and you should have the reference regardless).
( H) 1 0.14 1.001
(Li) 3 1.61 0.825
(Na) 11 5.71 1.144
( K) 19 10.80 1.485
(Rb) 37 24.67 1.628
(Be) 4 1.61 1.408
(Mg) 12 5.71 1.364
(Ca) 20 10.80 1.474
(Sr) 38 24.67 1.606
( B) 5 3.13 1.485
(Al) 13 10.79 1.639
(Ga) 31 16.99 1.650
(In) 49 37.32 1.672
( C) 6 1.75 1.452
(Si) 14 9.23 1.716
(Ge) 32 17.10 1.727
(Sn) 50 38.71 1.804
( N) 7 1.23 1.397
( P) 15 7.84 1.705
(As) 33 16.37 1.760
(Sb) 51 38.44 1.881
( O) 8 0.70 1.342
( S) 16 5.57 1.683
(Se) 34 12.64 1.771
(Te) 52 31.74 1.892
( F) 9 0.75 1.287
(Cl) 17 5.07 1.639
(Br) 35 12.47 1.749
( I) 53 31.50 1.892
(He) 2 0.08 1.012
(Ne) 10 0.63 1.243
(Ar) 18 4.61 1.595
(Kr) 36 12.01 1.727
(Xe) 54 29.99 1.881
Y-Cd 24.67 1.639
Sc-Zn 10.80 1.562
Note that the d-block is identical for each row (so no atom numbers provided).
3. Removing The MPICH2 Content From The Output File In Pcrystal(/09)
This final issue does not occur in Pcrystal(/06) but does in Pcrystal(/09), with the reason being (I assume) the new use of MPICH2 in Pcrystal(/09) instead of MPICH in Pcrystal(/06). The problem comes from running the following set of commands at the terminal window in MPICH2:
mpiexec -machinefile machine -np N /path/to/Pcrystal &>FILENAME.out &
Embedded within the FILENAME.out file will be all flavors of MPI-specific output, perhaps such as the following (in this case errors, but it happens in proper output as well):
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 4
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 7
rank 7 in job 9 korterquad_51438 caused collective abort of all ranks
exit status of rank 7: return code 1
rank 4 in job 9 korterquad_51438 caused collective abort of all ranks
exit status of rank 4: killed by signal 9
mpiexec_machine (handle_stdin_input 1089): stdin problem; if pgm is run in background...
mpiexec_machine (handle_stdin_input 1090): e.g.: mpiexec -n 4 a.out < /dev/null &
The solution is to break up the mpiexec output from the Pcrystal output, performed by directing the mpiexec-specific content to, in this case, /dev/null (because it is not necessary except for diagnostic purposes).
mpiexec -machinefile machine -np N /path/to/Pcrystal < /dev/null &>FILENAME.out &
Which removes all traces of mpi-specific output from FILENAME.out.