CNYO Without The .quota – A Quick Fix And Diagnostic For A Pesky WordPress Hack

From The "Hopelessly Hacked Help" Department

Below is the process I went through to clean up a WordPress site injection into – an old astronomy club I directed and a site (now unused) that I still maintain/keep active because there's lots of (a) good information and (b) CNY-based astronomy history to be read. There are many, many files in a WordPress install that can suffer an attack of some kind, many, many ways for a hacker/bot to make such an attack happen, but only a few things everyone seems to recommend doing to try to make the problem go away. In my case, the problem with the website went away after simply renaming two folders, uploading new versions of those folders, and then using the success of that replacement step to find the exact files in the site that were causing me issues. Consider this post a "First Step" if you find yourself similarly inconvenienced.

Some Light Reading (Background)

The CNYO website had, up until quite recently, a bug in the main menu that I initially chalked up to a very old (and free) theme (Vortex) running up against recent updates to WordPress. The romantic perspective on the maintaining of the site mentioned above aside, the site is really only still up because it (a) costs me nothing and (b) is now hosted in a subfolder of this website, and the site only gets a few visits each day (even with the upcoming solar eclipse in Western New York, is crickets). I hadn't much bothered exploring the menu issue further. The specific issue is shown below for the front page of the website, with the "About" menu much larger vertically than all the other menu items and the sub-menu items inside of "About" equally expanded.

Interestingly, this oddity started appearing in Firefox and then, after a year or more, began appearing in Chrome and Safari. Clicking on the About link produced the image at the link below, which was a full-blown insertion of unwanted content and a de-columning of the website (and, even worse, it shows two fewer people subscribed to the site!).

See: Link to a very long and unnecessary-to-render-here screencap of the old contaminated About page.

While making tweaks to the website and un-doing a menu expansion that shouldn't have been, I decided to check back on the CNYO site to see if I could play the same trick. And I couldn't. But, in exploring how to tailor the css in browser Developer Tools, I noticed a slew of embedded links and class="r67298bc6" calls that I had not previously for Klonopin/Clonazepam.

Klonopin is "used to treat panic disorder (including agoraphobia) in adults." I am 100% for adults overcoming anxiety about being outdoors (because I do astronomy) or with groups (because being outside in the middle of nowhere while observing by yourself can get old when the first howls are heard). That said, advertise by injecting something into someone else's WordPress, please.

Files And Tools To Have On Hand

It's a short list, things you probably have on hand or quick access to anyway if you're maintaining your own website (self-hosting or, at least, self-sufficient on your hosting service), and things you should probably always have at-the-ready for when (not if) the situation calls for them.

  1. A local copy (on your computer) of the WordPress version your site is currently using. To be even more exhaustive, have copies of EVERYTHING installed on your site. Themes, plug-ins, custom css, media, etc.
  2. An FTP client of some kind (such as Filezilla)
  3. All the needed credentials to get into your site by (s)ftp
  4. A browser's Developer Tools to do that cursory inspection of whatever looks off (all modern browsers have this option, snoop around the Tools menu)
  5. Access to your site's database (likely phpmyadmin if you're running a WordPress site on a major hosting service)
  6. A tool for comparing the contents of folder A and folder B – this is how you'll find the difference in the content of the before/after files to see which file or files has/have been modified
  7. stackoverflow open. This link, this link, and this link were early first reads on my path (the third link was insightful, but it turns out my problem was in a WordPress core folder itself).

Step 1 – Replace WordPress Files (Carefully!)

A quick check that might save you several hours. This assumes you've done nothing to the contents of wp-admin and wp-includes, which is a pretty good assumption unless you dabble in .php files. All of your themes, plugins, and uploads are in wp-content.

  1. Uncompress your local copy of WordPress to have all of the core files/folders accessible for uploading
  2. Log out of your WordPress site if you're logged in (you probably don't have to do this)
  3. Get into your site account's directory with your (s)ftp client
  4. Rename wp-admin to wp-admin-old and wp-includes to wp-includes-old
  5. Upload the local WordPress copy's wp-admin and wp-includes
  6. When done, hit RELOAD on your problematic site.

For, my problem went away completely.

Step 2 – If Needed, Replace More WordPress Files (Very Carefully!)

My next step would have been to VERY CAREFULLY inspect and/or replace the .php files in the main directory (in the image above, index.php and downward, not touching .htaccess or .user.ini until a "Step 2b" when I found past versions to compare these to).

My next-next step would have been to go into wp-content with backup copies of my themes and plugins, but I would have done this VERY, VERY CAREFULLY.

Usual reminder from other sites – make sure you have a copy of wp-config.php somewhere, else you're in for a very long evening if you do something unwanted.

Step 3 – Inspect The Database

I started here, as it seemed the most likely culprit based on lots of searching for similar issues. Consensus among several discussions was that searching for the keywords:


in your database would produce the maximum bang-for-buck. As it happens, only "eval" existed in the CNYO database and, sadly, "eval" is a common combination of four letters on a science-based website (so 100 hits, many of "evaluation").

I was fortunate to do this first-pass, find little that looked problematic, and move on to Step 1 above instead.

Step 4 – Transfers Worked? Now Find The Problem (Locally)

For the academically curious… the wp-admin and wp-includes replacement solved my problem. Doing the next logical step of renaming the new wp-admin to wp-admin-new and renaming the old wp-admin-old to wp-admin (alphabetically, of course), I found the site remained in its original, untouched state – placing the problem file(s) squarely in wp-includes.

To find the official location, one needs a tool that will compare the contents of files and directories. In OSX, this is FileMerge in Xcode (search for the app or Command-Space Bar and type (see this link on stackexchange for a how-to). If you don't have Xcode, similar comparison tools exist on all OSs.

To start this, I moved wp-includes-old to my local machine so as to perform this comparison in filemerge. I renamed it to wp-includes in the pic below.

Once open, select the wp-includes in your clean, unzipped WordPress folder as the Left folder, then select the wp-includes(-old) as the Right folder. And run Compare.

Clicking on "Identical" on filemerge's righthand side to exclude all identical files, the list of changed files from old-to-new is small, with the offending .php file identified as temdfpg.php, which calls a .quota file that looks something like below:

php $IBmtKwVMuXQGpgbUH='ur'.'ld'.'ec'.'od'.'e'; … lots of and lots of scribble ... %22%2F%3E%3C%2F%73%62%65%7A%3E'));exit;

Problem identified, problem solved. All in all, I suspect I got lucky in doing a few very simple things to narrow down the location of the problem. I will hope for similar luck next time.

Special Issue! Free Astronomy Magazine – March/April 2020 Issue Available For Download

Above: The changed technology of libraries and library lectures (all used), including a slide projector (property of my late, great-uncle Gus Columbus) with a two-slide carousel (and a book of slides for which any spelling errors were deemed too expensive to fix), an LCD projector (I had to have one because Stu Forster had one), for which fresh slide updates and audio/video are no problem in a darkened room, and a Sandisk USB stick with built-in wifi to transfer slides to an existing projector system by USB and to set up a local network for attendees to download media after the presentation.

Yes, a series of articles about the importance of amateur astronomers coming together as a community through outreach, just in time for a global pandemic to keep everyone from coming together (for a while, anyway).

The March/April 2020 issue of Free Astronomy Magazine has been available for your downloading pleasure for (a, here, long) three weeks, featuring an opening article by myself and an international perspective (Spain, Catalonia and Italy) by the editor Michele Ferrara and other contributing language editors on the general topics of the state of amateur astronomy and outreach in our respective locations.

We were all given great flexibility in our content, so I went with a very CNY-centric perspective on some of the great observing/outreach events, as well as their hosts, we’ve known in the past decade-or-so (while trying to name-drop all the area astronomy clubs in the process). These include shout-outs to some of the better-known lectures/observers, including David Bishop with ASRAS, Larry Slosberg with CNYO, James Callens with Western NY Astronomers, Bob Piekiel and his near-rock-solid monthly schedule at Baltimore Woods, my favorite classicist and dark sky proponent Prof. John McMahon, and the late, great Barlow Bob.

Writing an article that then undergoes several translations is an interesting exercise in clear thoughts and limited, in my case, Americanisms. Ain’t easy as pie, dig? I suspect all of us contributing articles could have gone into all kinds of additional details about our experiences and other ways we’ve seen the astronomy scene change over these many years in terms of technology and outreach activities, but the need to not melt the brains of our fellow editors forces a kind of brevity (unlike this sentence). Michele continues to have my utmost respect for taking on the task of first-pass translations to hand off to each of us in these cases to produce a great bimonthly multi-language magazine.

The science returns with the May/June issue. In the meantime, please give this issue a good read. If any of the discussion peaks your interest and you’ve something to say about it, consider dropping Michele a line, commenting on the Free Astronomy Magazine Facebook page, or otherwise drop me a line.

Specifically so – if you fall into the category of potential public amateur astronomer described in the final section of my article, I urge you to consider making your presence known to your community – after your 14-day self-isolation, of course (you should easily get a number of presentation slides together with two free weeks).

"Upstate NY Stargazing" Series At And – Summaries And Links For The Last Few Months

The old adage "if you want to really learn something, teach it" has been in full effect these past few months with the writing of the UNY Stargazing series for and (which don't combine the comments and shares. You have to go to both!). Firstly, it is excellent practice for anyone doing astronomy outreach to try to capture all of the events and observing opportunities that a new or casual observer might find interesting – while providing enough extra detail to whet the appetites of those reading with a wikipedia tab open (which remains the go-to for astro consistently accurate astronomy information). Secondly, if helps sharpen the editorial blade – such as by not using the word "old" to qualify "adage" when you're really trying to keep it to 2500 words.

After 11 months of articles, the UNYStargazing template is fairly matured, Stellarium has moved well into advanced topics stage, and the many astronomy clubs that have allowed their public events to be posted have all resulted in an increasingly smooth and, hopefully, informative read.

Having ignored this blog generally recently, here's the last four months in rapid succession:

– Upstate NY Stargazing in February: Lunar eclipse, Kopernik star party, 'Dog Nights of Winter'



Featuring a washed-out lunar eclipse and one of Larry Slosberg's great lunar images.

– Upstate NY Stargazing In March: Messier Marathon and the Lunar Occultation of Aldebaran



Friend and Kopernik Astronomical Society member George Normandin provided the eye candy to start the March article, which included a discussion of Messier Objects (such as M31, M32, and M110) still long enough to get the editor's attention (but it was about Messier Objects and sometimes you have to say stuff). The Lunar occultation of Aldebaran was pointed out to the ASRAS email list by Brad Timerson and then promoted on the CNYO website.

– Upstate NY stargazing in April: Comet hunting and the Lyrid meteor shower



Brad Loperfido of Revette Studio and the CNYO Facebook Group had an amazing capture of Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak, M97, and M108, allowing for a final addition to the Messier Object discussion with the objects that Messier was most interested in finding – comets. The month also included a washed-out Lyrid Meteor Shower peak and a proper shout-out to

– Upstate NY stargazing in May: A meteor shower and preparations for the solar eclipse



The first in the series prepping for the great North American eclipse on August 21st of this year, featuring a NASA/SDO/AIA image (our tax dollars at work) and a continuation of the discussion of circumpolar constellations (which will get a full summary in four more articles).