And Now, A Moment Of Social Media Pareidolia

Above: A view of a paradise from

Some people see the good Lord in toast. I see a younger Mark Zuckerberg in my Himalayan salt lamp.

Graffitic Species – Splendid Decay Along The Syracuse Creekwalk, 15 November 2014

About This Gallery

I moved to downtown Syracuse in 2005 but, despite having been a part of astronomical events with the Syracuse Astronomical Society and CNY Observers at select locations on it, only ever discovered the joy of a Creekwalk excursion after seeing a few people in the distance from outside the Franklin Square Freedom Of Espresso in 2012. Among the highlights of waking from end to end was the ever-present and changing graffiti on building sides and underpasses. This page and another from 4 April 2015 mark the two times I had a good camera with me and saw enough to wanted to capture.

Photographs were taken during a 15 November 2015 excursion along the Onondaga Creekwalk, starting near Freedom Of Espresso (mocha in hand) and following all the way along to the Inner Harbor.

In searching for additional information about conditions at the Creekwalk, I came across a wonderful recent post by Sergey Kadinsky about "Onondaga Creek, Syracuse" on his Hidden Waters Blog. Excellent summary.

mage above downloaded from

Graffitic Species – Splendid Decay Along The Onondaga Creekwalk, 4 April 2015

About This Gallery

I moved to downtown Syracuse in 2005 but, despite having been a part of astronomical events with the Syracuse Astronomical Society and CNY Observers at select locations on it, only ever discovered the joy of a Creekwalk excursion after seeing a few people in the distance from outside the Franklin Square Freedom Of Espresso in 2012. Among the highlights of waking from end to end was the ever-present and changing graffiti on building sides and underpasses. This page and another from 15 November 2014 mark the two times I had a good camera with me and saw enough to wanted to capture.

Photographs were taken during a 4 April 2015 excursion along the Onondaga Creekwalk, starting at The Sound Garden (first pic) and following all the way along to the Inner Harbor. There was some significant rain/thaw that late winter/early spring, making for some unusually high waters.

In searching for some local articles concerning the flooding/high water situation this fine April afternoon, I came across a wonderful recent post by Sergey Kadinsky about "Onondaga Creek, Syracuse" on his Hidden Waters Blog. Excellent summary.

Image above downloaded from