Structural DNA Nanotechnology Graphic Featured In TASCHEN's "Science Illustration"

From the "keep it in the gallery because it might come in handy someday" department:

I'm very pleased to make mention of ye olde Nanorex's "Structural DNA Nanotechnology" poster now appearing in another venue that isn't this site or my office wall. The graphic is featured on pages 414-415 of the new TASCHEN book "Science Illustration. A History of Visual Knowledge from the 15th Century to Today," complete with the entirely reasonable name-drops of Richard Feynman (who I've published with before) and K. Eric Drexler (who I've also published with before).

As an aside, my appreciation of TASCHEN books began with my buying a copy of Andreas Cellarius: Harmonia Macrocosmica (which is priced a lot higher now than it was then) at the Los Angeles Griffith Observatory gift shop back in 2007 – an equally weighty tome that I still dragged around the place for an hour or more just to make sure that last copy was mine. I've seen smaller coffee tables in my day than either of these books (making the use of coasters all the more important should you choose to purchase either).

The author Anna Escardó is happy, my old boss Mark is happy, I'm happy, and now you, too, can stare at the image in a wonderful new book and lament Ned Seeman never having been flown out to Stockholm in acknowledgement of laying the foundation for an entire interdisciplinary branch of science.

"If you don't like it, buy a copy for someone you don't like." – Dafnis Prieto

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