Barefoot Astronomer Shares Passion With Stargazers (Bob Piekiel, That Is)

Above: a fish-eye long-exposure of semi-clear skies at Baltimore Woods during a Bob Piekiel-hosted Perseid Meteor Shower session, 12 August 2013.

Well Bob, at least they found you handy.

From the "it's my website and I'll blog what I want to" department – random appearance of an article about Bob Piekiel appeared in my feed recently from the TheNewsHouse Article Archive (The S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University). The original post was from late September, 2015 around the time of the last really impressive lunar eclipse we had in our area (also originally shared on the CNYO website).

Official link:

And the quote still stands:

“He’s the greatest exponent to amateur astronomy Central New York has,” Allis said. “Our community could certainly use a few more Barefoot Bobs running around.”

It also reminds me that the old website name used to be something like, which was an excellent idea.

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