Taking care of a DNA/RNA fragment alignment installation triple-threat with this post. These Ubuntu installs for largely problem-free, but one little trick is needed for Amos (this because of my use of "/opt" for my usual installation and compilation attempts and, more so, my not being interested in modifying the root PATH statement despite the constant use of sudo when building in "/opt").
So, with the downloads of
bfast-0.6.5a (currently: sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bfast/index.php?title=Main_Page)
MUMmer-3.22 (currently: mummer.sourceforge.net)
Amos-3.0.0 (currently: sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/amos/index.php?title=AMOS)
taken care of, the following process is performed.
user@machine:~sudo aptitude update user@machine:~sudo aptitude upgrade
[POSSIBLE RESTART REQUIRED after this. You don't need-need to update/upgrade, but I do it before all builds regardless.]
user@machine:~sudo apt-get install bison build-essential cmake csh doxygen flex fort77 freeglut3-dev g++ g++-multilib gcc gcc-multilib gettext gfortran gnuplot ia32-libs lib32asound2 lib32gcc1 lib32gcc1-dbg lib32gfortran3 lib32gomp1 lib32mudflap0 lib32ncurses5 lib32nss-mdns lib32z1 libavdevice52 libbz2-dev libc6-dev-i386 libc6-i386 libfreeimage-dev libglew1.5-dev libnetcdf-dev libopenal1 libopenexr-dev libopenmpi-dev libpng12-dev libqt4-dev libssl-dev libstdc++6-4.3-dbg libstdc++6-4.3-dev libstdc++6-4.3-doc libxext-dev libxi-dev libxml-simple-perl libxmu-dev libxt-dev mercurial nfs-common nfs-kernel-server openmpi-bin patch portmap python2.6-dev rpm ssh tcsh xorg-dev zlib1g-dev
The large apt-get above is my "default" additional install for a variety of programs, including Amber, Abinit, GAMESS, GROMAC, etc. Many of these may not be needed but hard drives are cheap and figuring out the minimum list is more work than simply installing everything. Do check the list, however, to make sure something won't confuse any other installs on your machine (if you're new to this, likely not. If you've done builds a few times, you may already know the difference).
user@machine:~$ sudo mv bfast-0.6.5a.tar.gz /opt user@machine:~$ sudo mv MUMmer3.22.tar.gz /opt user@machine:~$ sudo mv amos-3.0.0.tar.gz /opt user@machine:~$ cd /opt
Move the three programs to /opt (or not). Specifically for bfast, two additional apt-get's are required.
user@machine:/opt$ sudo apt-get install libstatistics-descriptive-perl libdbd-pg-perl
The build for bfast is straightforward.
user@machine:/opt$ sudo tar xvfz bfast-0.6.5a.tar.gz user@machine:/opt$ cd bfast-0.6.5a/ user@machine:/opt/bfast-0.6.5a$ sudo ./configure user@machine:/opt/bfast-0.6.5a$ sudo make user@machine:/opt/bfast-0.6.5a$ sudo make install user@machine:/opt/bfast-0.6.5a$ cd ..
bfast is officially built and you've returned to your "/opt" directory. MUMmer is also straightforward.
user@machine:/opt$ sudo tar xvfz MUMmer3.22.tar.gz user@machine:/opt$ cd MUMmer3.22/ user@machine:/opt/MUMmer3.22$ sudo make check user@machine:/opt/MUMmer3.22$ sudo make install
MUMmer is officially built. If you intend to build Amos, you will need some of what you built in MUMmer. Specifically, nucmer, delta-filter, and show-coords are used by Amos and must be present in your PATH during the Amos build. As I am building in "/opt," I'm using sudo. As I do not want to deal with setting a new PATH for root, the solution is simply to move these three programs to a universally accessible place.
user@machine:/opt/MUMmer3.22$ sudo cp nucmer /usr/local/bin/ user@machine:/opt/MUMmer3.22$ sudo cp delta-filter /usr/local/bin/ user@machine:/opt/MUMmer3.22$ sudo cp show-coords /usr/local/bin/ user@machine:/opt/MUMmer3.22$ cd ..
And, with that, you are ready for the Amos build procedure. You will need two more apt-get installs to complete the Amos build.
user@machine:/opt/amos-3.0.0$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libqt3-headers
To build Amos with no errors and all of the listed components, note the ./configure settings and run the list below.
user@machine:/opt$ sudo tar xvfz amos-3.0.0.tar.gz user@machine:/opt$ cd amos-3.0.0/ user@machine:/opt/amos-3.0.0$ sudo ./configure --with-Qt-dir=/usr/share/qt3 --prefix=/opt/amos-3.0.0 user@machine:/opt/amos-3.0.0$ sudo make user@machine:/opt/amos-3.0.0$ sudo make check user@machine:/opt/amos-3.0.0$ sudo make install
If nucmer, delta-filter, show-coords, and the qt3 libraries are not present, you'll see the following error list after running ./configure:
-- AMOS Assembler 2.0.8 Configuration Results -- C compiler: gcc -g -O2 C++ compiler: g++ -g -O2 GCC version: gcc (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3 Host System type: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Install prefix: /opt/amos-3.0.0 Install eprefix: ${prefix} See config.h for further configuration information. Emailwith questions and bug reports. WARNING! nucmer was not found but is required to run AMOScmp install nucmer if planning on using AMOScmp WARNING! delta-filter was not found but is required to run AMOScmp-shortReads-alignmentTrimmed install delta-filter if planning on using AMOScmp-shortReads-alignmentTrimmed WARNING! show-coords was not found but is required to run minimus2 install show-coords if planning on using minimus2 WARNING! Qt3 toolkit was not found but is required to run AMOS GUIs install Qt3 or locate Qt3 with configure to build GUIs see config.log for more information on what went wrong WARNING! Boost graph toolkit was not found but is required to run parts of the AMOS Scaffolder (Bambus 2) install Boost or locate Boost with configure to build Scaffolder see config.log for more information on what went wrong
And, finally, add these directories to your PATH.
user@machine:~$ cd user@machine:~$ pico .profile
Add the following to your PATH statement:
Crtl-X, "Y", and quit.