The Newer Nanorex, QuteMol Renderings, And A Summary Of Local, Ongoing Molecular Nanotechnology Projects

Greetings from Snowbird, Utah! At 7000 ft or so, I've been exhausted all week. They artillery the far side of the mountain at Cliff Lodge during major snow falls to get the avalanches out of the way before the tourists start their morning ski lift ascents.

And I thought I had a hip gig.

Click an image for a larger version.

Our first physical company meeting in 18 months, the Nanorex crew has used the ISNSCE FNANO conference (and, specifically, the non-random localization of many of the world's leading structural DNA nanotechnology (SDN) researchers) to introduce our new SDN focus and present the upcoming Alpha release (0.9) of NanoEngineer-1.

As with all significant updates, the Nanorex website received a major overhaul. Key points of interest include:

1. QuteMol: Mark Sims and I have taken a serious fancy to QuteMol. From the Nanorex site:

"Many of the images and animations in these galleries have been rendered with QuteMol, a new open-source, interactive, high quality molecular visualization system which exploits the latest GPU capabilities through OpenGL shaders to offers an array of innovative visual effects. QuteMol was developed by Marco Tarini and Paolo Cignoni of the Visual Computing Lab at ISTI – CNR. The Nanorex team is enthusiastic about their work and look forward to rendering even more awe-inspiring images for the NanoEngineer-1 gallery."

Only 0.4.0 and already among the best yet. Bravo Marco et Paolo! This also marks a site transition to png image format.

2. Molecular Manufacturing Gallery: The cientifica blog can once again wax unfoundedly antagonistic about Nanorex activities with the updated molecular manufacturing gallery. To all the moral transhumanists reading, rest assured that heavy-duty full-blown Drexlerian diamondoid mechanosynthesis studies will continue unabated by yours truly until such time that someone can hand me a SINGLE peer-reviewed paper that demonstrated that it will NOT work. I stopped caring about the academic debate (and engaging in online arguments) some time ago due to the preponderance of opinion and absence of hard experimental data in either direction. I'm 16 processors deep into tooltip calculations with the usual suspects (Drexler, Freitas, Merkle) and awaiting the printing of the Ge-Dimer Survey paper, the basis of the Q-SMAKAS defect study currently in its final WU phase at NanoHive@Home. The new gallery features tooltip structures related to the Nanofactory animation, the DC10c dimer tooltip (the article for which is freely available from the Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience), a monstrous tooltip assembly (whose green end is currently part of the tooltip queue. A few cutaway views that aren't in the Nanorex gallery are shown below), and an example of a potential defect structure for the C100GeATD tooltip analyzed in the Ge paper (see the NanoHive@Home results gallery for more info and a great pair of animations of the tooltip simulation by Andrew Haveland-Robinson of

Click the image for a larger version.

3. Carbon Nanotube Gallery: more derivative than a molecular dynamics simulation, the new carbon nanotube gallery shows three carbon nanotube/diamondoid ring structures are in the gallery, as well as a dative carbon nanotube octahedron I generated nearly 5 years ago prior to my presentation at the 10th Foresight Conference. The first image is part of a tutorial on general nanoscale design considerations that will be posted soon for further reading on the Nanorex site. The second image is a carbon nanotube-based bearing assembly I rendered as part of a new line of study hybridizing self-assembly and molecular manufacturing approaches.

Click the image for a larger version.

Just about everything I mentioned above will be expanded upon either as blog content or for formal publications, so consider this post more FYI and my own formal marker of when the additional magic began to happen.

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