Nanotech Gallery And Development Migration To nanoENGINEER-1

Yes, yes, I know. After all, I do work for the company. Why WOULDN'T I use the program?! The development of nanoENGINEER-1 is going tremendously well. Now on the verge of another alpha release, I decided, in the interest of seeing what kind of imagery functionality the package might benefit from, to see if I could make the old Nanotech Gallery happen with the new software.

I could not be happier with the results.

The problems to date are all with Povray. That is, my amateur understanding of it. As an order of alignment, I was doing all of my graphic work with VMD, which is still the method of choice for biomolecular images (mostly because I'm still using NAMD/Charmm for my occasional forays into drug development). It's a tall order to replicate the quality of graphics VMD is capable of, but it's clear (to me, anyway) that nE-1 is more than up to the challenge.

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